
to achieve your independent living goals

Our Mission

At CIL Jacksonville we empower all people with any disability to achieve their independent living goals by providing community-based programs and self-directed services.

A woman in a pink shirt smiles. A walker is in the foreground.

Sign Language Interpreting

Medical Equipment Loans

Free Tax Preparation

A boy plays the piano

Our team is ready to help you achieve your goals for independence.

Two women in a factory hugging one another.

Make a difference in your community by volunteering with CIL.

A child dressed as Ash Ketchum holds out a Poke ball

Empower our mission by making a meaningful contribution.

A group of people standing on the steps of the old Capitol building flexing their arms

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CIL Jacksonville

2709 Art Museum Drive

Jacksonville, Florida 32207

904-399-8484 (Voice/TTY)

Copyright © 2023 CIL Jacksonville

CIL Jacksonville is a nonprofit 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization EIN 59-1842440


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