Meet Immanuel Santos
and how mobility empowers his independence
Though the doctor told his mother that he would never walk or talk, Immanuel Santos has defied all of that with a sunny disposition and rapid fire conversation. The soon-to-be second grader at Fleming Island Elementary School has spina bifida which limits his mobility.
Immanuel now walks with the aid of canes but his goal is to walk without help. The youngster continues to receive therapy at Brooks Rehabilitation and even plays baseball for the Cincinnati Reds in the Miracle League.
Immanuel’s family turned to the ILRC to help with needed equipment in his quest to be more mobile. They provided him with a special bicycle, shower chair and walker. As Immanuel has outgrown the equipment or doesn’t need it anymore, his family donates it back to the ILRC so another family can take advantage.
A typical youngster he says that his favorite subject at school is “recess” and he wants to be a chef or a zoologist when he grows up. There’s no doubt he will achieve whatever goals he sets out and do it with a smile on his face.
Immanuel’s family turned to the ILRC to help with needed equipment in his quest to be more mobile.
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At The ILRC, our mission is to empower people with disabilities to live independent, self-empowered lives. We believe that full opportunity is possible through self-empowerment, self-determination and equal opportunity.
Mobility Empowers Independence
The ILRC provides medical equipment to people in need. Types of equipment include wheelchairs, crutches and hospital beds.